Athletes take risks with DIY summer strength and conditioning plans

Making your way to the gym during the offseason and working out without a plan could bring difficulty.

Author: Norton Healthcare

Published: June 23, 2021 | Updated: December 5, 2023

An athlete’s summer conditioning program should strike a balance between the need for physical and mental rest and the desire to stay in shape.

The temptation to wander into a nearby gym and use whatever equipment looks appealing or to put off conditioning until a last-minute crunch to get ready for fall sports can lead to more issues during the season.

“Structured training with a professional athletic trainer can help an athlete balance the need for rest with a desire to maintain conditioning,” said Ryan J. Krupp, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist with Norton Orthopedic Institute and medical director of Norton Sports Health. “We see far too many athletes early in the fall who either didn’t stay in shape, focused on the wrong exercise or hurt themselves trying to catch up at the end of the summer.”

Summer is a time to alternate routines to reduce the risk of overuse injuries and gradually improve endurance with a mix of work for strength and flexibility.

But more than just for staying in shape and getting rest, the three months or so of summer is a time to build a foundation to move forward during the coming season. Work with your coach to set goals and address areas of focus such as physical training, mental preparation and specific skills. Share that information with a trainer to get the most out of your summer strength and conditioning.

Some ways to take a break from the routine of the season while working on skills:

Norton Sports Performance

The highly trained staff and structured programs at Norton Sports Performance help athletes achieve ideal strength and conditioning to prepare for an upcoming season.

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